Jim Allers
I am an experienced problem solver who lives to learn new technologies and to build software that delights users. I love taking on new challenges like learning a foreign language and more recently, becoming a father. My endeavors in physics and biology sparked my passion for programming. I spend time following Hacker News and programming blogs, playing video games, staying fit and reading books. My favorite topics include cognitive science, philosophy, and user interface design.
Programming Languages / Frameworks
Proficient in: Java, Javascript, Groovy, HTML, CSS, Grails, Java EE, MySQL
Experience with: C/C++, GWT, Scala, Ruby, Python, Rails, C#
I work with Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X on a regular basis. My current programming environment is Eclipse. I have experience working in team development using Git, SVN, and CVS. I have contributed to three open source projects: Ant, Mantis and HtmlUnit.
Allers, J; Shamoo, Y; “Structure-based Analysis of protein-RNA interactions using the program ENTANGLE”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 2001, 311 (1), 75 – 86.
Custom software development
Software startup that built Java networking infrastructure to support real-time synchronous collaboration in existing and new applications
Physics, B.S.
Fall 1997 – Fall 2000
Rice University, Houston, TX
GPA: 3.6
Graduate work in Biophysics
Fall 2003 – Fall 2005
Rice University, Houston, TX
References available on request